Harness Seat Belt Safety Strap


  • Safe travelling for your Dog
  • Attached to car seat belt system
  • Legal requirement

Product Description

This sturdy in-car safety harness seat belt strap is specifically designed to keep your traveling dogs safe and secure during car rides. 


Additionally, the product comes with a seat belt tether that allows you to attach it to your vehicle's seat belt system. This keeps your dog in a designated spot within the car, preventing them from roaming around and distracting you while driving.


This setup not only enhances safety but also provides peace of mind, enabling you to concentrate on the road ahead.


Moreover, it's essential to highlight that securing your dog in a harness is not just a safety measure but also a legal requirement. In many regions, dogs must be suitably restrained in vehicles to prevent them from becoming a distraction or posing a risk of injury to themselves or others in the car.

Ensure your furry friend travels safely and comfortably with this reliable harness system.

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  • Sold more than 750,000 products worldwide
  • Delivered to 114 countries
  • We have products suitable for any breed, XS-XL
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  • We've dispatched over 450,000 orders worldwide
  • Sold more than 750,000 products worldwide
  • Delivered to 114 countries
  • We have products suitable for any breed, XS-XL
  • Every product is rated
  • We've dispatched over 450,000 orders worldwide
  • Sold more than 750,000 products worldwide
  • Delivered to 114 countries
  • We have products suitable for any breed, XS-XL
  • Every product is rated

BullyBillows in the wild


Muzzles are primarily designed for safety, such as biting or chewing, rather than to stop barking. Although it can reduce barking, it won’t completely stop it, so it’s important to choose the right muzzle and make sure your dog is comfortable wearing it. This applies to both cage muzzles and fabric safety muzzles too.

To shampoo your dog, start by wetting their coat with warm water. Apply a dog-friendly shampoo and massage it into their fur and skin, taking good care to not get it in their eyes or ears. Rinse completely, and then apply your doggy conditioner to keep their fur shiny and smooth. Rinse again, then towel try or use a hair dryer on a low heat setting. Then, spray them with your favourite BullyBillows cologne for an unbelievably clean and fresh pooch.

Begin muzzle training your dog by introducing it slowly; let them sniff it and investigate the muzzle whilst offering treats, to create a positive association. Start with slow sessions then gradually increase the time that they wear it (making sure that it fits properly) and offer rewards for calm behaviour. Find more information in our insightful blog - How to muzzle train a dog.

How often you brush your dog really depends on the breed and coat type. Some long-haired breeds, or double-coated breeds, could benefit from daily brushing to reduce matting, whereas short-haired breeds might only need brushing once a week. 

Once you’ve found what works best for you and your dog, keep it up! Regular brushing keeps your dog’s coat healthy and improves skin circulation too. Check out our deshedding brushes and combs for a gentle way to remove loose and unwanted fur.